CrossFit Patra

“Let’s create an appropriate CrossFit box”. Designed by Stavros Solakakis

CrossFit boxes have been used for ten years as simple boxes, and now a new design trend has appeared.

As an architect-designer and athlete, I believe that the new boxes should be minimalistic and not reveal a lot of information. First of all, what we need is dynamic design lines. Everything should serve a purpose.

Also, we should use dynamic materials, industrial materials, like concrete, New York style bricks, corrugated iron as well as dynamic colors in the main training rooms. In addition, there should be areas that will offer some sense of movement and intensity. At the same time, we should create some elegant dynamic corners such as the reception, the waiting room and the changing rooms.

Lighting is also of great importance since it can have an effect on the psychology of the person who does a high intensity workout.

As I have already mentioned, the materials used play a very important role in such training places, and everything matters-every single square meter, the walls, the height of the room, to name but a few. The thing is that CrossFit has got a wide range of activities and exercises and for some of them you need to use the wall, as in the case of wall ball-HSPU-HS HOLD

Last but not least, another thing we should consider is space set up. The gym equipment (tread millers, exercise bikes, barbells, horizontal bars, etc) should be arranged is such a way that they do not take up much room and be functional.

“A picture is worth more than a thousand of words». So, let’s view CrossFit Patras from a different perspective, the way I approached it, after studying and implementing its design.


Interior – exterior designer

Stavros Solakakis
